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Workshops Available

All workshops are structured around one or more engaging and entertaining stories, interspersed with “educational intermissions” in which we take a closer look at some of the details and fascinating tidbits of the topic being explored. Recommended time 60-90 minutes, starting at $195.00 for a 60-min session.


The Secret Lives of Wolves

Explore the wonderful world of wolves through the dramatic and inspiring story of “She Wolf” a real-life wolf that lived in Yellowstone National Park and became an incredible symbol of wolf conservation and environmental protection across the globe. 

Using story, a miniature diorama of a wolf ecosystem, physical movement, and digital multimedia, this presentation has visual, auditory, tactile, and physical movement elements to engage all manner of learners! Students will learn about wolf behaviour, pack structure, communication, diet, hunting techniques, and more!


The Power of Story – The Hero’s Journey story structure

The heroes of myth, legend, and the popular stories of today share something that occurs to all of us during our lives – they experience an event that calls them to take on a challenging journey of discovery and change. Along that unknown path the hero (and ourselves) faces doubt, failure, and their inner shadows as they seek knowledge, wisdom, and personal transformation.

Students will learn about the stages of mythic story structure, aka “The Hero’s Journey” through the telling of a local indigenous story of the first peoples, and by using examples from popular stories found in the books and movies of today. Students will also learn how they may encounter those same stages of the Hero’s Journey while following their own life path.


Nature Vision – Seeing nature through the eyes of animals

How do wild animals see and understand their world? We can’t be certain, but we certainly can imagine! In this outdoor workshop, students will learn about the instincts, knowledge of the environment, and powerful senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch) that mammals use to navigate, survive, and even thrive in the wilderness. 

Students will also learn how our hunter-gatherer ancestors drew upon their own powerful instincts, knowledge, and the active and intentional use of their senses to survive and thrive. And a big secret will be revealed – the dormant potential in all humans to improve and actively make use of all their senses when interacting with the wild world!

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